Tees Valley
Take Music Classes in the Tees Valley Area
Scroll down for information about clubs, choirs and bands in your area. If we're missing something here, please provide information for a listing or get in touch on info@rsmf.org.uk
Tees-Valley Music service
Whatever age you are and whatever your ability, TVMS can provide or signpost a group for you. Brass and wind bands, string orchestras, choirs and rock groups are all run by TVMS and membership of all of them is FREE to TVMS pupils. You don’t have to have lessons with us to join though and, for a small fee, all players are welcome. For more information see: Ensembles | Tees Valley Music Service (tvms.org.uk)
One Voice Choir Middlesbrough
One Voice is a community choir for children and adults. We sing mainly popular songs from 1920s to present with many of them in harmony. No experience necessary. Whatever your skill level, we will welcome you and help you to fulfill your potential.
Age range: 5 years plus
When and where: We rehearse every Friday evening from 5:30 til 8 in St Hilda's church hall, Clynes Road, Grangetown, TS6 7LX. Although we rehearse from 5:30 til 8pm, younger members may find the session too long at first, so they can leave at the break time. We accept all abilities and we actively encourage whole families to join, so children, parents and grandparents can all enjoy accessing the same choir. Fees are £2 per week per member.
Contact: Call musical director Alison Trelfa on Contact No: 07824 808877. Email: onevoicechoirmiddlesbrough@gmail.com. Facebook page: @OneVoiceChoirMiddlesbrough
Musinc, Group: Bandjam
Bandjam offers professional group tuition in guitar, bass, drums, keyboard or vocals, with opportunities to play alongside other musicians and live on stage across the year. We provide instruments, but you're welcome to bring yours along. We have two groups; Juniors is beginner-friendly and each session starts with a big group warm up with a chance to hang out together, before splitting off to work in your instrument/vocal groups. Seniors is aimed at young people who are interested in forming their own bands and getting to know other musicians, with lots of practice space available across the Town Hall. We have no requirements for Bandjam Juniors as it's beginner friendly, however Seniors will require some previous experience in playing their musical instruments. Sessions are £4 per session, payable termly. We offer a free taster session. Free bursaries are also available to those who need it. More information at musinc.org.uk
Age range: Juniors 8-11, Seniors 12-17
When and where: Tuesdays during term time, Juniors: 4.45-5.45pm, Seniors: 6-7pm, Middlesbrough Town Hall, Albert Rd, TS1 2QJ
Contact: musinc@middlesbrough.gov.uk, Box Office: 01642 729 729
MY Middlesbrough
Based in Middlesbrough, MY Middlesbrough is a charity providing ensemble opportunities for children who have had, or are having, music tuition, especially those moving on to secondary school. Don’t worry if you’ve had to leave your instrument behind, we can organise the loan of most orchestral instruments.
When: We meet Saturdays, 10.15-11.45, during term time in Middlesbrough
Contact: mymiddlesbrough@outlook.com . Email for more details.
RSMF is sharing the information that has been provided by the other organisations listed above in good faith but without having checked or verified any of it. We do not guarantee the quality or any other aspect of the services that these organisations provide. You would need to carry out your own research before deciding to approach or use any of the organisations listed rather than relying on the information they have provided.